Team of Disaster Management Center, Abbottabad consisting of the following visited flood affected area of Tehsil Balakot, on Monday 4th October 2010.
Shahid Awan - Finance Coordinator (DMC)
Tabarak Ahamad - Admin (DMC)
Mohammad Hanif - Office Assistant (DMC)
Nasir Khan - Driver (DMC)
A list of flood affected people of Mohallah Podina Bella, Tehsil Balakot was prepared in coordination with Karwan Development Organization a Local Organization working in Balakot consisting of 60 people representing their families. The food Packages consisting of 60 bags funded by Disaster Relief by Irish & Pakistanis Ireland, (DRIP) were distributed amongst the people gathered according to list at a place arranged by Karwan Development Organization at GHS Balakot.
Shahid Awan - Finance Coordinator (DMC)
Tabarak Ahamad - Admin (DMC)
Mohammad Hanif - Office Assistant (DMC)
Nasir Khan - Driver (DMC)
A list of flood affected people of Mohallah Podina Bella, Tehsil Balakot was prepared in coordination with Karwan Development Organization a Local Organization working in Balakot consisting of 60 people representing their families. The food Packages consisting of 60 bags funded by Disaster Relief by Irish & Pakistanis Ireland, (DRIP) were distributed amongst the people gathered according to list at a place arranged by Karwan Development Organization at GHS Balakot.
comments for karwan balakot org.good luck karwan and her team